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    Mission 21 is supported by the Reformed regional churches of Switzerland, the German regional churches in Baden, Württemberg and the Palatinate, the French Protestant churches in Alsace and the Protestant Church in Austria. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, we work together with over 70 partner churches and partner organizations for a more just world and maintain contacts with international church organizations. In the international women's network, we connect, strengthen and promote women worldwide.

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    Partner organizations

    Peacebuilding, health, education, food sovereignty and income generation as well as good governance and gender justice are Mission 21's areas of activity. We are engaged in long-term development cooperation and humanitarian aid with more than 70 partner churches and partner organizations. The relationships, especially with partner churches, go back decades, in some cases up to 200 years.

    ► to our partner organizations

    Women's Network Mission 21

    In all its projects and programs in Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as in its educational work in Switzerland, Mission 21 works together with its partners to promote women and gender justice. Mission 21 coordinators work with competence and experience towards this goal. Women from all continents exchange ideas in the Mission 21 women's network.

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    Beatrice Ngeh, ACA coordinator since 2014

    She coordinates the Women's Department of the PCC. In its women's groups, women are encouraged and empowered to participate equally in Cameroonian society and to have a say in decision-making. She studied social sciences, education, history and geography at the University of Yaoundé and holds a degree in Biblical Studies.

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    Ebed Adai Grijalva Yauri, General Directorate of CEDEPAS

    Ebed Adai Grijalva Yauri is president of Mission 21's partners in Peru. Recently, she was part of the PRIME team (Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation) and President of the Scholarship Committee of Mission 21 in Peru. Today, Ebed is also a member of the Committee of the Continental Assembly of Mission 21 (CELA) as well as the Evangelical Church in Peru (IEP).

    Karmila Yusup

    Karmila Yusup, Asia

    Pastor Karmila Yusup is the Regional Coordinator Asia for Mission 21, based in Jakarta. Together with eleven other team members, she supports the implementation of the programme on the ground, advises and accompanies our partner organizations and expands cooperation. One of her main areas of work is protecting women from violence. To this end, she founded the Indonesian crisis center for women "Pasundan-Durebang" in West Java in 2013.

    Affiliated and friendly organizations

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    Mission 21 is the officially recognized missionary work of the Evangelical Reformed Church Switzerland EKS. The 24 Reformed cantonal churches of Switzerland and two other churches are united in the EKS. The EKS thus represents around 2.4 million Protestants in Switzerland.

    ► to the website 

    ► Mission 21 on the EKS website

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    The Evangelical Mission in Solidarity EMS is the international Christian fellowship in southern Germany, based in Stuttgart. It has a long-standing connection to Mission 21 and to the largest supporting association of Mission 21, the Basel Mission. The EMS is an association of 23 churches and five mission societies and pursues similar goals in development cooperation as Mission 21.

    ► to the website

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    ACT Alliance is an alliance of 150 churches and faith-based organizations working together in over 125 countries. ACT Alliance advocates for disadvantaged and marginalized people, regardless of their religious, ethnic or political background, gender or sexual orientation. The goal is to work together to promote positive and sustainable development. 

    ► to the website

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    Mission 21 is a member of the Cooperation community (KoGe). Jochen Kirsch, director of Mission 21, has been president of KoGe since its founding in 2019. The Cooperation Community (KoGe) is the umbrella organization of nine member organizations from the Protestant Reformed environment in Switzerland. We share knowledge, skills and resources and are committed to a common goal: a life in dignity for all people, regardless of gender, origin or religion. Our members work with 150 local partner organizations in more than 40 countries worldwide. Peace, justice and inclusive societies are at the heart of our shared program.

    ► to the website

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    Together with five other mission agencies in Germany and Austria, Mission 21 forms the Cooperation Mission Press. Our publications provide information about the World Church, religion and development, and international development cooperation. All journals of these mission agencies - including the "begegnen" of Mission 21 - are accessible online in a digital magazine kiosk. The members of the Cooperation Mission Press are: Evangelical Mission in Solidarity EMS, the Umbrella organization Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland EMW based in Hamburg, which Evangelical Lutheran Mission Agency in Lower Saxony ELM, Mission One World MEW, in Bavaria, the Evangelical Working Group on World Mission EAWM in Vienna and Mission 21.

    ► To the digital magazine kiosk of the Mission Press

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    Mission 21 is a member of the CWME Commission of the World Council of Churches WCC. The WCC is the largest and most representative fellowship of the modern ecumenical movement, whose goal is the unity of Christianity. The WCC brings together some 350 churches of various denominations, representing more than 500 million Christians. The WCC also calls member churches to solidarity: to "fulfill their Christian ministry by helping people in need, breaking down barriers between people, working for justice and peace and for the integrity of creation."

    ► to the website

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    The Basel Mission - German Branch BMDZ sees itself with its work as a connecting link between the EMS and the Basel Mission/Mission 21. It supports and promotes the program work of Mission 21 through educational work and public relations as well as fundraising in Southwest Germany. The BMDZ is a member of the EMS.

    ► to the website

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    In Alsace unites the Union des Églises protestantes d'Alsace et de Lorraine UEPAL has around 250,000 Protestants. UEPAL is on friendly terms with Mission 21 and supports the work as a member of the Continental Conference Europe.

    ► to the website

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    Our partner organization in Austria is the Evangelical Working Group for World Mission EAWM in Vienna. The EAWM supports Mission 21 as a member of the Basel Mission, the largest supporting association of Mission 21.

    ► to the website

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    The Climate Alliance Switzerland is an alliance of civil society organizations for climate protection in Switzerland. With its more than 100 member organizations from the fields of international cooperation, environment, church, youth and consumer protection, it advocates for an ambitious climate policy and energy transition at local, national and international level. The Climate Alliance Switzerland was founded in 2004. Mission 21 is a member of the Climate Alliance Switzerland.

    ► to the website

    Supporting organizations

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    The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) has been supporting the program work of Mission 21 for several years, including the current phase 2022-2024.

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    The Movetia Foundation supports our Youth Embassy Program 2023-2025.

    ► About the project


    The Signpost Foundation supports our Youth Embassy Program 2023-2025.

    ► About the project

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    The Ernst Göhner Foundation supports the archives of Mission 21 in the indexing of the holdings.

    ► About the project

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    The Symphasis Foundation supports activities in Indonesia in our project "Vocational training for disadvantaged children and young people" and enables 100 additional orphans to gain access to qualified vocational training in the project "Working with orphans in Tanzania".

    ► About the project

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    The Christoph Merian Foundation supported our archive work in 2019.

    ► About the project

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    The Foundation Mercator Switzerland supported our Youth Embassy Program 2019-2022.

    ► About the project

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    The Christoph Merian Foundation supported our archive work in 2019.

    ► About the project

    Supporting service providers

    Here we link organizations and companies that support Mission 21 through free presentation on their website.

    ► Daibau - construction platform for finding suitable suppliers

    Hope thanks to your support

    Mission 21
    Protestant Mission Basel

    PO Box 270
    Missionsstrasse 21
    4009 Basel, Switzerland
    Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

    Donation account Switzerland:
    IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
    Tax exemption number:

    Donation account Germany:
    Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
    Swift BIC: SKLODE66
    BLZ: 683 500 48
    IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
    Account No. : 1032333

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