Mission 21 offers numerous opportunities to work for our ministry in Switzerland and internationally. Around 50 employees work at our headquarters in Basel. Internationally, we offer longer-term commitments in the 20 project countries, as well as shorter assignments for experts and attractive further training assignments in our PEP! program for young professionals aged 22 to 30.
Our positions at headquarters, internationally and in the PEP! program
At our headquarters in Basel, we offer a wide range of tasks in program and project work, human resources development cooperation, education, administration and communication. Our employees benefit from an international environment, family-friendly employment conditions, generous social benefits and a great deal of creative freedom. In addition, young professionals between the ages of 22 and 30 have the opportunity to gain intercultural experience as part of the PEP! program and expand their professional skills in one of our projects, for example in Hong Kong or Tanzania. A six to twelve-month training assignment enables them to enter the world of development cooperation after completing their vocational training or studies.