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Who we are

As a community of partner churches and partner organizations in four continents, Mission 21 has been setting signs of hope worldwide for more than 200 years on the basis of the Christian faith for a life in dignity for all people.
We do this in respectful dialogue with people of different religions and worldviews. Together we work for a world in which all people and all of creation live together in peace and justice.
As an international mission agency of the Protestant Reformed Churches in Switzerland, we invite you to participate in the worldwide church, to engage in solidarity, to exchange ideas and to learn from each other.
International cooperation at eye level is also reflected in our structure: in our highest body, the Mission Synod, delegates from four continents decide annually on the strategy and direction of Mission 21's work.

Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
Tax exemption number:

Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333

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