"Voices of Hope" - New podcast episode about the refuge "Casa DEI" in Costa Rica

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31-year-old social psychologist Andrés Cambronero is one of the directors of the Casa DEI center. Photo: Film still/zVg

In our "Voices of Hope" podcast, this time we visit "Casa DEI" in Costa Rica. Human rights activists under threat find refuge and support there. "Voices of Hope" features reports and stories from Mission 21's projects.

In this episode of our podcast, journalist Hildegard Willer visits the "Casa DEI" center in San José, the capital of Costa Rica. This is where threatened human rights defenders find protection and support. The focus is on Becky McCray, a lawyer from Nicaragua who had to flee because of her opposition to the construction of a canal. Doris Rios from Costa Rica also reports on the violence she experienced because of her campaign for the return of indigenous land. The podcast shows the increasing persecution of human rights activists in Latin America and the important role of Casa DEI as a place of refuge.

With "Voices of Hope", Mission 21 presents reports, stories and interviews from the Global South. The focus is on people working for justice and peace. The first six episodes take us to Latin America, where journalist Hildegard Willer meets her interviewees in greenhouses, churches or victim protection centers. She talks about worries, but also about hope and happiness. She also takes a critical look at why Mission 21's cooperation with partner churches and organizations is important. A podcast that brings you close to the people in these projects.

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