"Voices of hope" - New podcast from Mission 21 "on air"

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"Voices of Hope", the new podcast from Mission 21, provides an insight into the realities of life for people living in our partner organizations in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Latin America. The first six journeys for the ears will take us to Latin America. There will be a new episode every two weeks on the usual podcast platforms.

With "Voices of Hope", Mission 21 offers reports, stories and interviews with people in the Global South who are working for justice and peace for all.

It starts with six audio pieces from Latin America. Hildegard Willer, a freelance journalist who has lived and worked in Peru for over 20 years, meets her interviewees in the greenhouse, in the church or in the victim protection center for persecuted people. She talks to project participants about their worries, but also about what makes them happy and hopeful. Finally, she also challenges the programme managers at Mission 21 in Basel and asks critically why this type of cooperation with partner churches and organizations in the Global South is important. A podcast that brings you very close to the people in Mission 21's partner organizations.

â–º Listen or subscribe on Spotify

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Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

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