Evelyn Borer, Synod President of the Swiss Protestant Church (EKS), is the new President of the Board of Mission 21, succeeding Johannes Blum. She received 18 of the votes cast by delegates. 16 votes went to the two Board members Claudia Hoffmann and Roland Plattner, who had applied for a co-presidency. The election of Evelyn Borer strengthens Mission 21's relationship with the EKS. Mission 21 warmly congratulates the new President on her election.
The new President of Mission 21 was elected by the synod delegates from the continental assemblies and the supporting associations by written ballot. The deadline for submitting ballot papers was Friday, July 26, at midnight (CEST). Evelyn Borer says of her election: "I am delighted with the trust placed in me by the election and the new role." She interprets the close election result as follows: "The result shows me that the desire for renewal and preservation are closely linked. I will treat these concerns with respect."
Evelyn Borer is very well connected in the Swiss church landscape. In addition to her position as President of the Synod of the EKS, she is also President of the Synodal Council (Executive) of the Protestant Reformed Church of the Canton of Solothurn.
The Board of Mission 21 now consists of eleven members: In addition to Evelyn Borer, its members are: Barbara Becker, Sandro Bugmann, Gerhard Bütschi, Claudia Hoffmann, Christoph Knoch, Michal Maurer, Roland Plattner, Anders Stokholm, Frieder Vollprecht and Marianne Wagner.
The newly elected President will take office on September 12. Until then, Gerhard Bütschi-Hassler will lead the Board of Directors as an executive member.
Contact for media information: Christoph Rácz, Mission 21