Vera Schaffer
Program Manager DR Congo
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Thanks to education, people can shape their own lives and assume responsibility in society. We promote literacy in our partner countries: projects for basic education in reading, writing and arithmetic. We support vocational training and adult education. We promote the self-confidence of people from vulnerable population groups so that they can work independently for a life in dignity.
Head of Department "Education Exchange Research
Tel: +41 (0)61 260 22 59
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Theme Responsible Education and Overcoming Violence in Latin America
Tel: +41 (0)61 260 22 43
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Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel
PO Box 270
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4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20
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IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
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Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333