elizabeth elizabteh
    South Sudan, Peacebuilding

    Peacebuilding and reconciliation work in South Sudan

    Project Number: 179.1003

    South Sudan became independent in 2011 after long battles. However, war broke out again in the north-east in 2013. In July 2016, the conflict spread to the entire country. A peace treaty was signed in 2018 and a unity government was formed in 2020.

    Nevertheless, peacebuilding and reconciliation work are more important than ever. The churches play a crucial role in reconciling the divided society. Mission 21 supports the work of its partner church, the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan, and the Federation of South Sudanese Churches. The project work promotes the development of non-violent and just relationships, both interethnically and ecumenically. Trauma and reconciliation work helps people to deal with difficult experiences without reacting with renewed violence or acts of revenge.

    Background information

    Since the conflict in 2013, which was about political power and the fight for resources, there has been repeated violence against the civilian population. Millions of people have been militarily displaced. A large number of the population is still traumatized, especially women and children. Even after the signing of the peace agreement in 2018, the South Sudanese government is still weak, has hardly any financial resources and is pursuing other interests than taking care of social structures. The church is and will therefore remain an important peacemaker.

    The Presbyterian Church (PCOSS) is the third largest church in the country and a partner church of Mission 21. It supports peacebuilding and reconciliation work. Women, children and young people in particular are empowered. This is because the population of South Sudan is getting younger and younger. Young people under the age of 24 now make up 62 percent of the population. They are the future and bearers of hope for the country. At the same time, they are easily influenced and particularly affected by violence and its consequences. Experience has also shown that women play an important role in peacebuilding. However, women have hardly had a voice in South Sudan to date. It is therefore a major concern of Mission 21 and PCOSS to strengthen the role of women.  

    Project goals

    PCOSS strengthens the skills of young people and women in particular in the areas of peacebuilding and reconciliation work and offers them psychosocial support.

    Target group

    All ethnic groups are considered and included in peacebuilding and reconciliation work, and people from different social classes are addressed. There is a particular focus on women and young people.


    In terms of methodology, the partner organization relies on the principle of "training of trainers", in which leaders are trained to pass on the knowledge. This reaches a wider section of the population. Participants in the training courses can discuss and try out non-violent conflict resolution and possibilities for reconciliation. They are encouraged to show reconciliation across ethnic boundaries so that stereotypes are weakened.

    • "Training of Trainers": Multipliers learn how peace work can be implemented and can pass on their knowledge. They are trained to provide psychosocial support for the population of South Sudan and the members of the partner organizations.
    • Development of international, national and regional peace and advocacy initiatives.
    • Building a strong core structure of partner organizations
    • Leadership training for women and young people.
    • Establishing structures to enable peacebuilding at national and regional level.
    • "Peace Missions": Visits to the diaspora and solidarity visits in the country.

    Project progress

    Peacebuilding is an important component of all Mission 21 projects in South Sudan. In 2023, 85 "Peace Actors" were trained. Since PCOSS has been offering this training in South Sudan, there has been an 85% reduction in retaliatory killings.  

    The Nile Theological College and the Giffen Institute for Theology also offer modules on peacebuilding and reconciliation work. The project coordinators undergo training to become "peace mobilizers". This means that they contribute their knowledge of peacebuilding and reconciliation work to the project work.

    "Peace Missions" have been carried out since 2018. The church leadership makes solidarity visits to traumatized people, especially in hard-to-reach regions or in refugee camps.

    The work so far is having an impact: pastors are incorporating their knowledge into church services and teachers are taking it into their school lessons.


    Outlook: Project expansion

    The project is to be expanded due to the current situation.

    The population is very interested in the training courses. With the flow of returnees from Sudan, it remains important to strengthen relations with the host society and promote peacebuilding.

    • At the Nile Theological College (NTC), a theological training center in Juba, peacebuilding and reconciliation work is an integral part of the curriculum. Details can be found on the project sheet "Education for Social Change, Peace and Development in South Sudan."(Project No. 179.1015)
    • Peacebuilding is also an integral part of the curriculum at the Giffen Institute for Theology. More information on the project sheet "Adult Education for Shaping the Future." (Project No. 179.1024)
    • Mission 21 supports a midwifery school. The midwives' training is supplemented with lessons on peace and reconciliation. The work of the midwives extends to different ethnic groups. Sensitization and assistance in dealing with the topic are therefore of great importance. Information on the corresponding project can be found under the title "School of midwifery: life for mothers and children". (Project No. 179.1022)
    • In the district of Pochalla, Mission 21 is running a project on food sovereignty and income generation. In addition to the project work in the agricultural sector, peacebuilding is also gaining in importance here and professional peace training is being included in the project activities. More information on the project sheet "Food Sovereignty in Rural Areas in South Sudan." (Project No. 179.1021)
    • In the project "Education for the future: schools and children's home". (Project No. 179.1010), training in peacebuilding and reconciliation as well as psychological support are part of the curricula. Teachers are trained in dealing with traumatized children. These trainings are to be expanded.

    Project images

    Alternative map

    South Sudan

    • About 11 million inhabitants
    • The civil war has claimed over 400,000 lives since 2013
    • Around 4.2 million people had to flee


    Budget base project 2025

    CHF 182'800

    csm florence hakim 2 3 0b1791bb9d

    Guliba Florence Hakim

    Coordinator South Sudan
    â–º Email


    Jacqueline Brunner

    Team leader church partnerships

    Tel. 061 260 23 37
    â–º E-mail

    mg 8598

    Dorina Waldmeyer

    Program Officer South Sudan
    Tel: +41 (0)61 260 22 58
    â–º E-mail

    Hope thanks to your support

    Mission 21
    Protestant Mission Basel

    PO Box 270
    Missionsstrasse 21
    4009 Basel, Switzerland
    Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

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    IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
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    Donation account Germany:
    Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
    Swift BIC: SKLODE66
    BLZ: 683 500 48
    IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
    Account No. : 1032333

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