Working for climate justice: the September issue of our magazine "begegnen" is out now

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Everything about the "Learning from each other, living sustainably" campaign, which focuses on climate justice and food sovereignty, as well as an insight into remote areas of Malaysia, where we support the further education of disadvantaged people.

Among other things, the current issue focuses on our campaign "Learning from each other, living sustainably", which starts on September 8: We support projects in sustainable agriculture so that particularly vulnerable people can feed themselves and their families reliably and responsibly, even under the conditions of the climate crisis.

Farming in the high Andes of Peru at almost 4,000 meters above sea level is demanding; the poor soil and meagre harvests are a major challenge. With our partner organization, local farmers learn how they can still grow their own crops and feed their families - based on modern ecological knowledge, but also incorporating Andean spirituality.

Also in this issue: Sowing the seeds of change - Mission 21 empowers indigenous people in remote areas of Malaysia so that they can continue their education and learn environmentally friendly farming methods.

The magazine "begegnen" is published by Mission 21.

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The magazine "encounter" is Mission 21's donor magazine and is published four times a year. The magazine contains information and stories about Mission 21's projects and the people behind them.

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Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

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