Empowering the people of Africa

Jochen Kirsch (right), Head of International Relations at Mission 21, with Markus Gamache from the partner organization in Nigeria. Photo: Mission 21

Jochen Kirsch is Head of International Relations at Mission 21 and travels a lot in Mission 21's African partner countries. Solidarity with people in poverty and need is an important sign against racism and discrimination.

Assume responsibility

Africa is very diverse. At the same time, many countries are characterized by poverty. "Contrary to all clichés, many times more money flows from Africa to Europe, Asia and the USA than vice versa," confirms Jochen Kirsch. With his statement, Trump is evading responsibility for people who are worse off. Trump is pursuing the same strategy with regard to climate change, which he simply denies. The consequences, however, affect us all.

Commitment to people in need

Mission 21's partners live and work in war zones such as Nigeria or South Sudan and build future prospects together with the people there. By supporting civil society or reducing corruption, people in Africa are empowered instead of oppressed. Together with its partners, Mission 21 works worldwide for fairer economic structures, peace and a life in dignity.

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