Radio SRF reports extensively on webinars

"Working together as equals" - delegates from four continents at Synod 2019 in Basel. Photo: Miriam Glass/Mission 21.

Mission 21 has "self-critically" provided insights into mission history, attests religion editor Judith Wipfler in the SRF "Perspektiven" program of September 25. And Delf Bucher writes in the Kirchenbote that Mission 21 provided "a differentiated answer" to questions about slavery with the webinars.

The program "Perspectives" brings a compact overview of the five webinars that Mission 21 has held in the current year on the complex of topics around the history of mission in the context of colonialism and slavery and their impact up to the present. In particular, numerous voices from the global South can be heard in the Summer School, who connect history and the present from their perspective.

Plain text

And these voices speak plainly. For example, the Protestant theology lecturer Nana Kwakye, who reports from Ghana about contemporary complaints about one of the best-known missionaries of the Basel Mission, Andreas Riis. But he also says that the impact of the mission in Ghana is mostly positive, because the current state of education, health and economy is due to the missionary work.

Clear language and differentiation went well together in the Mission 21 webinars. In this way, contradictions also became visible. The "Perspectives" program captures this in a way that is easy to understand. Claudia Buess from Mission 21, who co-organized and moderated this webinar series, also provides information.

Partners decide with

Claudia Buess emphasizes that the former missionaries have a say today. The partner churches and interreligious organizations, which have long been independent, now exert influence themselves at Mission 21, as delegates in the highest body, the synod.

This element of empowerment, which in some places had a liberating effect through missionary work, is also the subject of Delf Bucher's article in the Kirchenbote. He focuses on a particular effect: the cultural achievement of education triggered political liberation, especially in Africa.

â–º Listen to Perspectives on SRF 2 Culture

â–º Read article in Kirchenbote Online

â–º Texts, Videos, Reports on the Summer School "Mission and Church - Between Racism and Respect

â–º Texts, videos, reports on the webinars Mission/Slavery/Colonialism


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