Jacqueline Brunner
Team leader church partnerships
Tel. 061 260 23 37
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Project Number: 840.1005
Sexualized and gender-based violence (SGBV) and food insecurity are two key issues that disproportionately affect women and marginalized groups. A unified approach is needed to create a future in which people can live free from violence and hunger. In 2025, Mission 21 is specifically supporting pilot projects that integrate the prevention of gender-based violence into the promotion of food sovereignty. The aim is for Mission 21 and its partners to take into account the links between climate change and gender equality in their program work. And that this becomes a self-evident aspect of the commitment to greater gender equality.
The Gender Equality Fund allocates financial resources to programmes and partner organizations for pilot projects. This enables them to react quickly to social developments that may reinforce gender inequality. The topic is redefined annually according to the needs of the programs and projects.
Worldwide, at least one in three women has experienced violence, the majority of them sexualized violence. Structural inequalities make political participation and access to education, income and healthcare more difficult. In many countries where our partners are working for gender equality, partial successes are often undone by backlash tendencies. Gender equality is a guiding principle for all Mission 21 programs and projects. Mission 21 maintains a global women's and gender network. In 2025, the Fund for Gender Equality will deepen its commitment to the prevention of sexualized and gender-based violence (SGBV) and the promotion of food sovereignty. Food insecurity increases the risk factors for sexualized violence: poverty, economic dependence, illness and others. The projects offer comprehensive solutions for the affected communities, especially women, and promote their safety, economic independence and access to food systems.
Strengthening institutional capacity to prevent sexualized violence in rural areas in Peru
In the rural region of Puno, the fund is financing the strengthening of the institutional capacities of three existing partner organizations. The feminist organization Manuela Ramos is being brought in as a new project partner. It will train the existing partner organizations in the identification of situations of sexualized violence and support them in their efficient and sensitized application.
Climate protection and women's empowerment in Tanzania
The Uansgu Tree Project organizes seminars on sexualized violence for vulnerable groups of women with the support of the Fund for Gender Equality. Community-based water infrastructure administrations have been formed in each active project location. These administrations invite men to agroecological seminars that also deal with gender-equitable topics. These include the prevention of violence against women. In addition, ecological initiatives in elementary school integrate age-appropriate training on sexualized violence.
CHF 34'500
Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel
PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20
Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
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Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333