Jacqueline Brunner
Team leader church partnerships
Tel. 061 260 23 37
â–º E-mail
Our partner organizations in Cameroon, which are active in various projects, are helping to improve the living and working conditions of the population, particularly in English-speaking Cameroon, where a conflict with the Francophone central government has been escalating since 2016. Mission 21 is making an important contribution through its local coordination. The local coordinator, Lumumba Mukong, supports the project managers and partner organizations and coordinates emergency aid with churches, international and local NGOs. The coordination helps with networking and connects the local players and Mission 21 in Basel.
To ensure that the commitment of Mission 21's partner organizations and churches in Cameroon has the desired impact, the organizational and personnel development of the partner organizations plays a central role. There is a need for training and further education in the area of project and program management (planning, reporting and accounting). Our employee Lumumba Mukong and his office coordinate the country programme in Cameroon and regularly conduct further training for the project managers of the partner organizations. These are the Presbyterian Church of Cameroon (PCC), the Protestant University of Central Africa (PUCA) and the "Alliance 2023", an umbrella organization for the small partner organizations and the mandate partners in humanitarian aid. "Aid International Christian Women of Vision (AIChrisWoV), the Emmanuel Sisters and the projects of the former Stucki Foundation are part of this.
In addition, training is provided on civil society issues such as human rights, gender equality, the fight against climate change and the like. Maintaining and expanding the network, exploiting synergy effects and learning from each other are important components of this project.
The aim of the project is to increase the impact of the projects in Cameroon. It also develops capacities in the partner organizations and strengthens networking between different actors. The coordinator Lumumba Mukong forms a bridge between the partner organizations in Cameroon and Mission 21 in Basel. This improves the flow of communication and program management. Mission 21 can thus respond more specifically to the needs of the people on the ground, especially in the current political crisis, which has led to a large number of internally displaced persons since 2016.
The coordination office works together with the partner organizations of Mission 21:
The scope of the coordination office primarily includes the following activities:
The local coordinator Lumumba Mukong took up his duties in April 2016. Since then, numerous processes have been initiated that increase the impact of Mission 21's work in Cameroon. Thanks to the coordinator, the projects in the major areas of health, education, theological training and emergency aid are better coordinated and synergies are made possible. Thanks to these activities, donations can be used even more efficiently and sustainably. In addition, there is participation in international committees and organizations, for example in the regional forum of ACT Alliance. The official registration of Mission 21 as an international organization with the Cameroonian government has strengthened our networking activities.
28.6 million inhabitants
CHF 50'700
Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel
PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20
Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
Tax exemption number:
Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333