Jacqueline Brunner
Team leader church partnerships
Tel. 061 260 23 37
â–º E-mail
Efficient and well-managed organizations are a prerequisite for effective help for those people who are on the margins of society. Mission 21 therefore supports its partner organizations and partner churches in Indonesia and Malaysia with advice and regular training in their efforts to ensure good organizational leadership. Targeted training grants ensure motivated leaders who are well qualified for their tasks.
Mission 21 has many years of experience in Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong Kong in working with church and Islamic grassroots organizations that are committed to peace work and women's rights. This has resulted in trusting relationships, sound contextual knowledge and networks that are well anchored in the region. All of this forms an optimal basis for the implementation of locally supported and supraregionally coordinated interreligious projects that sustainably improve the situation of women in the family and society.
Our special task in cooperation with partner churches today is to train managers in aspects of good organizational management or good governance. The current focus is particularly on finance and human resources, project management and the prevention of sexualized abuse of power. Mission 21 checks compliance with regulations and applies the internationally valid principles of bookkeeping and accounting.
Mission 21 has also repeatedly supported capable young people who could not have afforded to study with scholarships. This tradition was later continued by the partner churches that had become independent. Today, they themselves are responsible for the renewal of their cadre and award scholarships that are co-financed by Mission 21.
The regional coordination and the partner organizations of Mission 21 have motivated and qualified staff to carry out the projects and programs of development cooperation in a well-organized, effective manner and according to international standards.
Senior staff and middle management of our partner organizations - especially women and young professionals, pastors - as well as organizations that can be reached through the interfaith and inter-institutional cooperation of the churches. Through their dedicated work and by ensuring high standards in administrative areas, we reach the target groups of our development projects and programs: socially discriminated or marginalized groups, including women, indigenous people, the poor, the sick, migrants and their children.
All partner organizations have actively worked on improving their organizational governance. Following the example of Mission 21, each has developed and adopted its own code of conduct for its employees on overcoming corruption. On this basis, supported by experts, several partner organizations have already developed a complete anti-corruption policy, including a complaints office and processes. The prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment is a new focus of work, and several partner organizations have already created a corresponding code of conduct for their organization. Efforts to improve organizational management are being continued on an ongoing basis. The capacity building of the partner churches BCCM-BM and PCS to achieve theological, personnel and financial independence will be completed in the current program phase. Former Mission 21 scholarship holders have been elected to leadership positions in their churches and affiliated institutions as hopeful "agents of change" or are doing valuable work directly in the communities to improve people's lives.
CHF 214'270
Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel
PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20
Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
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Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333