PERSETIA, umbrella organization of theological schools in Indonesia
The umbrella organization of theological schools in Indonesia (PERSETIA) aims to work with its members to improve theological education in Indonesia. Currently, 50 theological schools are members of PERSETIA. PERSETIA has been successful in getting theology (since 1996) recognized as a discipline by the Indonesian government. The collaboration between Mission 21 and PERSETIA is related to contextualizing theology to strengthen grassroots communities. Students and faculty participate in exchange and continuing education programs to reflect on current issues in Indonesian society and put them into practice (such as interreligious coexistence, democratization or HIV and AIDS). Through the state accreditation process, PERSETIA makes an important contribution to contextualizing and ensuring the increased quality demands in theological education and training. PERSETIA was founded on the initiative of the Federation of Protestant Churches (PGI) in 1963 in Sukabumi, West Java.