Evangelical Sisterhood "Emmanuel Sisters
The evangelical sisterhood "Emmanuel Sisters" has its origins in the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC. This is also the most important and longest-standing partner organisation of Mission 21 in Cameroon. The Sisterhood in Cameroon is modelled on the Reuilly Diaconate in Versailles and began its work in the Cameroonian city of Bafut in 1975 on a plot of land owned by the PCC. From there, a further center for assistance and training for people with disabilities was established in 2009. Due to the Anglophone crisis, the sisters had to leave Bafut in 2019 and found a new home in Foumbot, in Francophone Cameroon, again on a plot of land owned by the PCC. However, it is not easy to continue the work in the new place after the expulsion from Bafut.
The "Emmanuel Sisters" work with girls and women who live with a disability, including deaf-mutes as well as orphans. Through comprehensive education and participation in a living community, the sisterhood tries not only to be a help in everyday life, but also to give them self-confidence and a perspective for their lives. The fight against stigmatization of people with disabilities in everyday life is as important as school education, training in sewing, traditional handicrafts, agriculture or small livestock. The products made are sold and thus contribute to the upkeep of the sisterhood. In the "Agape Program", the sisters go to surrounding villages to find people with disabilities who are still hidden due to the existing taboo, including many who suffer from epilepsy. Even though the implementation of this program is hampered by the Anglophone crisis, they try not only to care for those affected, but also to break the stigma.