CCA, Christian Conference of Asia
The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) sees itself integrated into the ecumenical movement and sees itself as a forum for coordination and cooperation. It is committed to the equal participation of women, men, youth, theologians and lay people in church and society. All partner churches involved in the Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong Kong cooperation program are members of the CCA. As part of the cooperation program, Mission 21 works with the CCA in the area of awareness raising and advocacy for child protection and empowerment of migrant women. The goal is to develop synergies and networks. The CCA includes more than 100 churches and 17 national councils of churches in 21 countries in Asia (excluding the Middle East), Australia and New Zealand.networking. With the priority program Solidarity against Violence against Women and Children and the new priority area Migrant Women and Migrant Children, this focus fits well into the thrust of Mission 21.