Committed parishes
Would you like to get involved with Mission 21 as a church community? You've come to the right place: We offer a wealth of opportunities to participate in the global church, to be part of our international learning community, and to work together at eye level with churches and interfaith organizations worldwide toward a more just world. Personal contact is close to our hearts. Together we broaden horizons!
Important note: If you as a church congregation would like to support the work of Mission 21, especially projects within the framework of the Ecumenical Campaign, then payments must be transferred directly to Mission 21 as of January 1, 2021 (donation account: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2). A transfer via HEKS (formerly Bread for all) is no longer possible.
Collections and donations
Many parishes regularly support Mission 21 through donations, fundraising campaigns and collections. In doing so, they set a concrete example for the Worldwide Church. Through your support of our program and project work, you enable people in poorer regions of the world to enjoy better living conditions and greater independence in the long term. We thank you very much for your commitment to our work.
Contact us if you would like to make an award, collection or collection for
Plan Mission 21. We will be happy to support you in selecting a suitable project. If you wish, we can advise you on the text for the collection appeal or provide you with materials.
Campaign 2025
"Standing up for a peaceful society"
At a time when the world is characterized by increasing tensions and conflicts, the importance of peacebuilding is coming to the fore more than ever. With its Campaign 2025, Mission 21 is specifically committed to promoting peace and justice through interreligious and transcultural cooperation.
Whether it's a church service, adult education, soup day, selling Christmas cards or a movie night: we offer you numerous opportunities to integrate the topics of food sovereignty and climate justice into your community work.
► Séverine Fischer gladly advises and supports you
By becoming a partner, you and your church community become active members of our network and part of the international learning community.
A project/topic partnership provides a framework for your local engagement on behalf of the global church. It creates space for depth and participation, combines development cooperation and learning community, and combines financial support with substantive accompaniment.
Such a commitment is usually limited to a certain period of time and therefore offers the opportunity to flexibly realign the focus afterwards. During the partnership, we accompany you with news, background information and, if possible, digital or physical meeting opportunities. With a project/topic partnership, you are in partnership with Mission 21 and via us with our partners abroad.
Educational work and inspiring encounters
Whether it's for your confirmation class, senior group, or during your church council retreat, our educational offerings provide insights into global connections and cross-border experiences. â–º Educational offerings from Mission 21
We would be happy to visit you. Our experts will give you a lively insight into our development cooperation programs and projects. Guests from Africa, Asia and Latin America also give first-hand accounts of life in their countries. They are available for information events, church services, lessons and thanksgiving events. â–º Specialists for lectures
With our international network of churches and over 200 years of history, we offer you a variety of suggestions and inspiration for your worship service, attractive work materials for the classroom or ideas for collection calls. You can get an overview of the materials in our ► Shop. For questions please contact Jacqueline Brunner gladly at your disposal.
Bazaars in the parishes
A bazaar creates a place and space for meetings, conversations, creative work and exchange. Young and old meet and connect to do good together.
Traditionally, bazaars in parishes also serve to open windows into the worldwide church. Present one of our projects and collect money for it! We will gladly support you in the selection and presentation of the project and also with materials for the bazaar day.