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    Advocacy for religious freedom

    In the name of religions, conflicts and atrocities against members of other religious communities occur time and again. Mission 21 carries out advocacy work to make the potential of religion for peace fruitful. Together with our partners, we promote further training for interreligious peace work. We work together across religious boundaries and strengthen trust between religious communities. Every year we hold a conference on interreligious peace work in Switzerland. On symbolic anniversaries and occasions such as Human Rights Day (December 10), we go public and set an example for religious freedom.

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    Interreligious peace work

    Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the constitution of many countries. Nevertheless, acts of violence occur time and again in the name of or under the guise of religion. In Nigeria, for example, the Islamist terrorist militia Boko Haram is poisoning the climate between Christians and Muslims. In Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population in the world, many young people are becoming radicalized. Mission 21 offers young people in Africa, Asia and Latin America a perspective for the future through numerous educational programs and thus works to counter radicalization. Interreligious peace work is one of the core topics in Mission 21's personnel development cooperation.

    â–º Project interreligious peace work in Nigeria

    â–º interreligious cooperation for peace and justice

    â–º interreligious dialogue in the South Andean region

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    Continuing education in Switzerland

    Together with our partners, we work for interreligious peace in Switzerland. We promote training and further education that strengthen interreligious and intercultural dialogue and enable participants to deal with different religions in a differentiated as well as contextual manner. In Switzerland, our events inform and educate professionals and interested parties about the strategies, methods and impact of interreligious peace work. And we motivate decision-makers to work for a peaceful coexistence of religions.

    â–º Interfaith symposium March 2020

    â–º Review interreligious symposium 2019

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    International peace actions

    Do encouraging things and talk about them: In times of social media, likes, and web presence, it is effective and sustainable to keep publicizing the work for interreligious peace and the commitment to religious freedom - also to mobilize even more people for it. To this end, Mission 21 uses high-profile campaigns and amplifies their impact via online media and social media channels.

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    Memorial Day for victims of radicalism and terror

    On April 14, 2014, the Islamist terrorist militia Boko Haram kidnapped 276 schoolgirls in the Nigerian town of Chibok. Most of them were members of the EYN church, Mission 21's partner church. Almost 100 young women are still in the grip of Boko Haram. Each April 14, Mission 21 recalls the act, remembers the victims of terror, fanaticism and radicalism, and provides information about interfaith peace work.

    Human Rights Day

    On the occasion of International Human Rights Day on December 10, Mission 21 carries out an advocacy campaign in Switzerland each year, calling for commitment to interreligious peace and to the human right of religious freedom. We combine information and appeal and set a sign for peace and tolerance.


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    As part of Human Rights Day 2018, Mission 21 made a statement for human rights on Claraplatz in Basel. Four large posters attracted the attention of passers-by. They showed women and men from four continents who are committed to helping others with a lot of heart and expertise. By taking a photo from an instant camera, many interested people expressed their solidarity with people who are working for peace and justice under difficult conditions.


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    On December 10, 2017, Mission 21 brought together Christian, Muslim and Jewish representatives at Basel Cathedral. Together, those present launched an interfaith appeal for the empowerment of women and against violence against women. The advocacy action for gender justice ended with a symbolic act: At the same time, the participants let white peace dove balloons fly.


    On December 10, 2016, Mission 21 mobilized around 80 supporters for a high-profile campaign. The video clip "hope" symbolically expressed that hope arises when people stand together. The video clip was accessed by around 5,000 people on the Internet and motivated them to find out more about Mission 21's interfaith peace work.

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    International peace partners

    Around the world, Mission 21 works with competent organizations and churches that advocate for religious freedom. Whether in Africa, Asia or Latin America, we network in our commitment to intercultural dialogue and interreligious peace work.

    Hope thanks to your support

    Mission 21
    Protestant Mission Basel

    PO Box 270
    Missionsstrasse 21
    4009 Basel, Switzerland
    Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

    Donation account Switzerland:
    IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
    Tax exemption number:

    Donation account Germany:
    Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
    Swift BIC: SKLODE66
    BLZ: 683 500 48
    IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
    Account No. : 1032333

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