On the orange sofa: selfie campaign against violence against women

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The Mission 21 campaign: Take a selfie in front of the banner of this year's "16 days against violence against women" campaign and then post it on social media to draw attention to the focus topic of psychological violence.

From 25 November to 10 December, hundreds of organizations around the world are calling for action against violence against women. We at Mission 21 are also taking part in this international campaign with a selfie campaign in the lobby of the Mission House.

Violence against women and girls continues to be a major problem worldwide. Fortunately, more and more people are taking action against gender-based violence. The international campaign "16 days against violence against women" sends out an important signal every year. It runs from November 25, the day of remembrance against violence against women, to December 10, International Human Rights Day.

The campaign is coordinated in Switzerland by Frieda, the feminist peace organization (formerly cfd). This year, Frieda is focusing on psychological violence. Psychological violence is defined as attacks that target a person's feelings, thoughts, self-confidence and self-esteem. Psychological violence is often invisible and subtle, yet it can have serious and life-threatening consequences. As part of the 16 days of action, the participating organizations are providing information on aspects of the topic, exposing myths, giving tips on prevention and calling for social change.

Selfie campaign and program work against violence against women

Mission 21 is supporting the campaign with a selfie campaign: during the 16 days, we are placing an orange sofa in the lobby of the Basel Mission House. Employees of the Mission House and guests of the Hotel Odelya are invited to show solidarity with victims of gender-based violence worldwide by taking a selfie on the orange sofa in front of this year's campaign flag and posting the photo on their social channels. Information material on this year's 16-day campaign and Mission 21's commitment to combating gender-based violence will also be available at the orange sofa.

Mission 21 is also actively involved: In our program and project work, we have been promoting gender equality for years and are committed to combating violence against women and girls. In various projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Mission 21 works with partner organizations to combat gender-specific and psychological violence.

Prevention and support for those affected

On the one hand, activities are promoted that are intended to have a preventative effect and deliberately include men. On the other hand, help and support is offered so that those affected can free themselves from cycles of violence. For example, seminars and workshops are held on the topic of gender-based violence and networking platforms are created for local actors. Those affected by violence also receive psychosocial support. In this way, Mission 21 is committed to the long-term change of structural inequalities and the reduction of structural violence.

With this year's campaign, we want to name and make visible "invisible" psychological violence and work together for a violence-free society. Get involved!

►Information on the topic of psychological violence on the 16 Days Campaign website

►Link to our event

►Mission 21 projects for gender equality

►Project "Overcoming violence - enabling self-determination" in Latin America

►Project "Help for women affected by violence in Asia"

Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

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Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

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