Daniel Gloor actually works as a lecturer at Sabah Theological Seminary (STS), a partner of Mission 21, in Malaysia. At the moment, however, he is staying in Amman, the capital of Jordan. Why? He is there on a sabbatical for five months. In his new newsletter, Daniel Gloor gives an interesting insight into the multifaceted capital and personal hurdles: At the entrance exam for an Arabic course, he was so nervous that he misspelled his name. He passed anyway. With his deepened knowledge, Daniel Gloor would like to be able to answer the questions of his students at the Theological Seminary (STS) in Sabah, Malaysia even better in the future. In his newsletter he has also dealt with the use of the word "Allah". Let us surprise you!
Newsletters are personal experience reports of our ecumenical co-workers. They do not necessarily reflect the view of Mission 21.