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    Learn more about Mission 21's work in development cooperation in our 20 partner countries, about our projects and the background to our work, and about our educational work in Switzerland. Here you will find our films, magazines, the current annual report and financial report, books, workbooks for the classroom and much more.

    Responsible communication

    Manifesto for responsible communication of international cooperation

    International cooperation stems from solidarity with marginalized and disadvantaged people. Those who communicate about international cooperation take responsibility - for the people who improve their livelihoods thanks to cooperation and for those who show solidarity.

    We assume this responsibility by critically reflecting on the content of our communication and fundraising. This reflection involves a continuous learning process in which the people we communicate about are just as involved as those we address with our communication.

    This is why Mission 21 has signed the "Manifesto for Responsible Communication", developed by Alliance Sud, together with over 25 other international cooperation organizations.

    â–º Manifesto for responsible communication (PDF)


    Current issue: encounter 1/2025

    Water shortage at Lake Titicaca: How young people are fighting for the sacred waters

    The water level of the culturally rich river between Peru and Bolivia has dropped and tributaries have dried up. Crop losses and contaminated water sources are causing the population to migrate. Environmentalists are now working hard to protect the Lake Titicaca ecosystem.
    Activist Miriam Lupaca says: "Without water, there is no food production, no food. Water is the beginning and the basis of everything." Together with other environmentalists, she is fighting at a political and legal level to protect this valuable body of water.

    Also in this issue: At the Protestant University of Central Africa, the "Ecotheology" project sensitizes students to the sustainable use of resources. A visit to the most environmentally friendly campus in Cameroon.

    The magazine "begegnen" is Mission 21's donor magazine and is published four times a year. The magazine contains information and stories about Mission 21's projects and the people behind them.

    The magazine is printed in Switzerland. The Gremper print shop prints climate-neutrally and invests in meaningful climate projects. â–ºMore information about the Gremper printing company

    Previous issues

    Cooperation Mission Press

    Mission 21 works together with five other mission agencies in Germany and Austria. Together we form the Cooperation Mission Press. All the magazines of these mission agencies - including "begegnen" - are accessible online in an app, a digital magazine kiosk. In the magazine "Eine Welt" you will find articles on the topic of mission and ecumenism, which have also appeared in our magazine "Auftrag" so far. In the future, however, you will also find selected articles from this cooperation online on our website in the â–º News.

    Digital magazine kiosk (some for a fee): App.missionpress.org or via app, keyword mission press

    Annual report and financial report

    Download as PDF

    The Annual Report provides information on the impact of our work in the past year and shows how the donations received were used on the basis of specific projects. It contains the annual financial statements, including information on the origin and use of funds. It also contains information on the structure and committees of the missionary organization as well as a brief portrait of Mission 21. The annual report is published in July following the international Mission Synod of Mission 21.

    Past annual reports

    Project booklet

    The project booklet provides an overview of the development cooperation of Mission 21, HEKS/Bread for All and DM-échange et mission. Against the background of the political, economic and social conditions of the countries, the project booklet presents the country programs and the partner organizations on site. Information on the individual projects and on donating rounds off the overview. The project booklet is updated annually and is free of charge.

    Important note: If you as a church congregation would like to support the work of Mission 21, especially projects within the framework of the Ecumenical Campaign, then payments must be transferred directly to Mission 21 since January 1, 2021 (donation account/IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2). A transfer via HEKS/Bread for all is no longer possible. 

    â–º Download project booklet 2025 as PDF

    â–º Download project booklet 2024 as PDF


    Mission 21's international staff in partner churches and organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America report at regular intervals. With the newsletters, they provide a personal insight into the projects on site.

    â–º all newsletters

    Hope thanks to your support

    Mission 21
    Protestant Mission Basel

    PO Box 270
    Missionsstrasse 21
    4009 Basel, Switzerland
    Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

    Donation account Switzerland:
    IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
    Tax exemption number:

    Donation account Germany:
    Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
    Swift BIC: SKLODE66
    BLZ: 683 500 48
    IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
    Account No. : 1032333

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