Honorary doctorate for Karl F. Appl and thanks to Mission 21

60th anniversary of the CTE in Chile. Several people are on stage and were honored during a festive service, including Karl F. Appl with an honorary doctorate.

Honor for great services: Pastor Karl F. Appl (fifth from left) is awarded an honorary doctorate by the CTE University. Photo: zVg

The CTE Theological College in Chile celebrated its 60th anniversary at the end of October. During the festive service, Karl F. Appl, the President of the Basel Mission, received an honorary doctorate, and Mission 21 was honored for its commitment.

The Comunidad Teológica Evangélica de Chile (CTE) theological college in Santiago de Chile was founded in 1964. Sponsored by five Protestant churches, the CTE is the only ecumenical training center of its kind in Chile. It is characterized by the fact that it provides pastors with a sound theological education that critically examines socio-political issues. The CTE has been associated with the Basel Mission and later with Mission 21 since the 1970s.

At the end of October 2024, the CTE celebrated its 60th anniversary, including with a festive service. In this context, people and organizations who supported the work of the university or worked for it were honored, including ecumenical employees of Mission 21. Karl F. Appl, President of the Basel Mission (and Vice President of Mission 21 until 2023), received an honorary doctorate at this ceremony for his great services. He was a lecturer at CTE from 1990 to 1997 and also served as Dean for a time. Mission 21 as an organization was also honoured for its commitment.

Commitment that continues to have an impact

We are delighted to receive these awards. They show that the bond remains strong, even though Mission 21 is ending its cooperation in Chile at the end of the year due to the need to focus more strongly on program work.

The presence of the Basel Mission and Mission 21 in Chile since the 1970s has resulted in deep friendships and solidarity networks that will continue to support the work of CTE in the future. The same applies to the development and education service SEDEC (Servicio para el desarrollo y la educación comunitaria) in Concepción, which is part of the social work of the Methodist Church in Chile.

Ecumenical staff at the CTE have contributed to sound theological training for the Protestant churches in Chile and have been committed to a church of solidarity in communities affected by great poverty.

In Concepción, Solveig Schrickel's tireless work in herbal medicine improved the self-determination and health of women and their families beyond her own efforts.

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