Donations to the event
People come together to celebrate beautiful events with others or to get through difficult events. Sometimes we want these special events to do good beyond our circle of friends and loved ones. Below you will find information on how to make this happen on festive occasions and in the event of bereavement.
For festive occasions
Birthdays and anniversaries
Is a country or cause particularly close to your heart? Then you can suggest to your family, friends and acquaintances to do without the gift on your birthday or anniversary.
Just ask them to donate the money to Mission 21 projects. In this way, you pass on joy worldwide.
At church weddings, you as the bride and groom can decide for which purpose the collection is intended. With a collection for Mission 21, you give new hope to disadvantaged people in our partner countries on their "most beautiful day".
For questions about these occasions please contact Marianne Gutzwiller gladly at your disposal.
Note on the payment slip the occasion for which you are donating and provide the address of the person(s) celebrating (first name, last name, street, postal code, city). By giving the exact address, we can avoid unnecessary queries for you and inform the person how many donations have been received in their name. However, the donated individual amount remains anonymous in any case.
Order our free card set incl. envelopes and a prepared payment slip for your event-.
donation. ► order
In case of death
In the case of a funeral, at the request of the deceased person or the surviving relatives, flowers and wreaths are often dispensed with and a donation to Mission 21 is requested. In the case of a church funeral, the memorial collection can also be designated for the overall work of Mission 21 or a specific individual project. In this way, the deceased is remembered and personal concerns of the deceased are promoted.
On the obituary such a text or similar would be appropriate:
In memory of the deceased, please support Mission 21, Missionsstrasse 21, 4009 Basel, IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2, memo: "Name".
If you would like to consider Mission 21 in the spirit of the deceased, please note this on the payment slip with the bereavement address (first name, last name, street, postal code, city). By indicating the exact address of the deceased, we can avoid unnecessary queries for you:
Donation in memory of Lena Muster, Basel
Mother of Hans Muster, Musterweg 10, 3001 Bern
The bereaved family is regularly informed about the donations received by means of a list. However, the individual amount donated remains anonymous in any case.
All donations received with reference to the deceased person will be personally thanked by Mission 21.
For questions please contact Marianne Gutzwiller gladly at your disposal.
Order our free card set including envelopes and a prepared payment slip for your funeral donation. ► order