Mathias Waldmeyer
Team leader and program manager Asia
Tel: +41 (0)61 260 22 63
â–º E-mail
Indonesia is a democratic country with about 267 million inhabitants. There are about 17,000 islands in Indonesia, but only about 6,000 of them are inhabited. More than 250 different dialects are spoken in over 30 major ethnic groups.
About 87 percent of the total population is Muslim. Nevertheless, Islam is not the official state religion. In addition to Islam, four other religions are recognized in Indonesia, namely Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism. The Basic Law obliges every citizen to belong to one of these religions. To promote religious peace between the different religious groups, there is a Ministry of Religion.
Since the fall of dictator Suharto in 1998, the young generation has taken advantage of the opportunities offered by democracy and organized itself into networks to denounce and fight problems such as poverty, corruption and human rights violations by the military and police. However, the country still suffers from widespread poverty as well as other social problems such as early marriage, structural violence and injustice between men and women.
Mission 21's projects in Indonesia focus on interfaith peacebuilding, education and income generation. A special focus is on the advancement of women and overcoming gender-based violence.
Following the violent conflict in 1998 between ethnic Indonesians and ethnic Chinese, other similar conflicts have erupted in Indonesia. These are over access to resources and the distribution of power in the country. Religious and ethnic minorities in particular suffer and lose out. In order to promote life in peace, Mission 21 and its partner organizations support interreligious dialog forums and cooperation between members of different religious groups.
For many people in Indonesia, the cost of education is too high. As a result, there are many children and young people who do not attend secondary schools or universities for financial reasons. However, completing a secondary education is very important so that children and young people have a chance on the job market in the future. By awarding scholarships, Mission 21 provides help for disadvantaged children and young people from remote regions.
Women often have no income of their own in addition to subsistence farming. Mission 21 encourages women, especially in Kalimantan-Borneo, to improve their financial situation and secure their livelihood. The women learn to develop and produce marketable products. They receive start-up assistance to find suitable trade organizations and business relationships. By selling their goods, they generate additional income. This enables the children of these women to attend school. In addition, the women gain more independence and self-confidence.
In Indonesia, violence against women is not uncommon. The causes include culturally evolved attitudes, patriarchal structures and the very low level of education among women compared to men. Mission 21 supports women affected by violence and their families through care and counseling. The projects of Mission 21 and its partners in Indonesia promote equality between women and men through a variety of measures. Through the projects, people receive better opportunities for the future and can live a life in dignity.
Mission 21 works closely with its partners and guarantees them professional support. The various partners of Mission 21 in Indonesia are in close exchange. Across national borders, numerous synergies are utilized through the ecumenical network, which constantly improve the impact of the joint work. Development on the ground is accompanied by domestic and foreign professional staff.
Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel
PO Box 270
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4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20
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