Corona update: Ghana

Presbyterian Church in Akropong, Ghana. Photo: Mission 21

In Ghana, a total of more than 47,000 infected people have been registered so far and 316 people have died from the pandemic (as of the end of October 2020). Many people have recovered quickly and were able to leave the hospitals soon. Fear of the pandemic has therefore subsided. Unfortunately, this has led to many people no longer taking protective measures very seriously. This worries Pastor Dr. Nana Opare Kwakye, because it could lead to a resurgence of the disease.

Strengthen community

The pandemic has had an impact on the social life of the church. The church has moved relatively quickly to digital channels. However, parishioners in rural areas often have no or insufficient Internet connection. In addition, the general economic situation is also affecting the church. People have less and so can donate less to the church. On the other hand, churches have taken up their role and mobilized food for people in need, as well as making their pastoral care and services available through digital channels. Cohesion in the congregations has been strengthened by the difficult times.

The situation remains tense, however, and so the Rev. Dr. Nana Opare Kwakye hopes "that the pandemic will soon be over so that the country can open up again."

â–º Read report from Ghana

â–º Learn more about our project work in Ghana

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