The organization "Youth for Peace and Good Leadership Intitiative International" honored Yakubu Joseph as a "pillar for peace and excellent leadership in Nigeria". In addition to him, high-profile individuals were honored, including the Nigerian vice president, for example. "I'm very honored by this award, as well as the caliber of the other nominees," Joseph says, "and it motivates me to work harder and harder for peace between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria."
The fact that peace work in Nigeria is bearing fruit was demonstrated, for example, by a prominently attended conference on the topic of religion as a resource for peace, which was organized by the partner church EYN (Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) with the support of Mission 21. Speakers included Yakubu Joseph and EYN President Joel Billi. Over 100 interested people, state officials, theologians and professionals from both religious groups attended. It was clear from the animated group discussions alone that the conference was stirring and thought-provoking.
Text: Mara Wirthlin