The parish of Arlesheim in the canton of Baselland does not want to let the Corona crisis take away its bazaar completely. On Sunday, November 8, after the 10 a.m. service, a single booth will offer various products. In addition, under the motto "Sowing Peace", donations will be solicited for the benefit of Mission 21 projects in Cameroon. The Arlesheim event will also be festive as a "bazaar light": parish priest Thomas Mory will be involved and a musical duo will provide the atmosphere.
It is very gratifying to see how people in the parishes are developing ideas to find alternatives to their social events despite the Corona restrictions. For example, the Zurich parish of Affoltern am Albis now sells the many products made especially for the bazaar in the parish hall - and provides a box for the amounts and donations. Höngg (also in the canton of Zurich) did a similar thing on the last weekend in October. The bazaar group collects for the project work of Mission 21 in India.
Appeals for donations beyond the parish
Affoltern is collecting for the Muhaba Children's Center in South Sudan, which Mission 21 is focusing on in this year's campaign. The parish is also calling for donations in a full-page article in the parish bulletin.
Equally gratifying is the great commitment to the work of Mission 21 in the Aargau community of Kölliken. Here, donation flyers in favor of the Muhaba Children's Center are even distributed to the mailboxes of the entire community of residence.
The Pratteln parish in the Basel region is also motivating its members to donate despite the cancellation of the bazaar. In an article in the local newspaper, they call for support for the peace work of Mission 21 and its partner churches in war-torn South Sudan.
Text: Christoph Rácz
What alternative idea do you have to the planned bazaar to support Mission 21 projects?
Write to us! We will be happy to publicize your event on our website:
â–º Arlesheim invites to the bazaar "light" on Sunday, November 8 (flyer)
► Kölliken: the flyer calls for donations despite bazaar cancellation