A piece of cloth makes a difference: reusable sanitary napkin workshop in Nigeria

Sanitary napkin making workshop in Nigeria

Many girls and women around the world do not have access to sanitary pads or other hygiene products during their menstrual period. This has serious consequences: They have to resort to unhygienic means during their period, which are associated with considerable health risks. Girls are often unable to attend school during their period.

In Nigeria, our partner church EYN recently organized a workshop on the production of washable and reusable sanitary towels. 95 women attended and are now passing on this knowledge to other women.  

The pads are cheaper and more sustainable than the well-known disposable products. In addition, they not only benefit women during menstruation, but can also help generate income in rural northeastern Nigeria. This is because the newly manufactured sanitary pads are also suitable for sale. 

Learn more about our project work in Nigeria and support us with a donation!

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