Preview campaign 25
September 7 to 1st Advent 2025
Preview of the 2025 campaign
Young Voices Intercultural Podcast

Mission 21

Mission 21 is active in 18 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America as part of sustainable development cooperation and humanitarian aid for peacebuilding, education, health, food sovereignty and against violence against women and children. In this way, we contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This worldwide commitment is combined in our work as an international learning community with programs for transcultural exchange and interreligious cooperation as well as the promotion of an understanding of global interrelationships. Our offer is open to all people, regardless of religion, origin or gender.

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What your support does worldwide

elizabeth elizabteh
South Sudan

Persistently promoting peace

Peacebuilding and reconciliation work in South Sudan are more important than ever. The state structures are weak and the country is confronted with a lot of violence, especially against women, with floods as a result of global warming and with hundreds of thousands of refugees due to the war in neighboring Sudan. The churches play a decisive role in reconciling the divided society. Mission 21 supports the projects of its partner church, the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan, and the Federation of South Sudanese Churches. Together, we promote trust-building and the development of non-violent and just relationships. We help people to deal with difficult experiences through trauma and reconciliation work.

Thank you very much for supporting our efforts to promote peace in South Sudan.

► About the project

Houses surrounded by flooding

Support for flood victims

As in South Sudan, the heaviest flooding in decades occurred in Nigeria. The north-east of the country, around the city of Maiduguri, has been particularly affected. The UN emergency aid agency OCHA reports that 600,000 people have been affected, including over 230 fatalities. The damage is enormous: flooded roads, destroyed buildings such as schools, hospitals and homes as well as ruined fields. We are working together with our partner church EYN to help people directly with clean drinking water, hygiene articles, food aid and the most necessary everyday items. In concrete terms, EYN is currently assisting around 700 families in the Maiduguri area and supporting a total of more than 2,500 affected people. However, the need is much greater and further support is urgently required. Thank you very much for your support!

►Read more about this in our news article

► About the project

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With 50 CHF

enable a woman to buy school materials for one year.

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With 120 CHF

contribute to the training of a teacher, for example.

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With 500 CHF

support training for nurses, for example

"Mission - Colonialism Revisited."

Next event on the topic of "Colonialism"

Our webinar series on the intertwined history of mission and colonialism.

What role did Christian mission societies play in the context of colonialism? With the webinar series "Mission-Colonialism Revisited" Mission 21 brings the multi-layered history of mission and colonialism into focus and contributes to a transparent reappraisal. This with the aim of sharpening the current social debate on racism and discrimination.

bma a 30.01.049 street scene ('queen's road central') in the commercial district of hong kong 1909

► Webinar Dossier

"Mission and Colonial Violence in the First World War", "Black Voices from the Archives", "Mission and Slavery" - in the series "Mission-Colonialism Revisited" Mission 21 has held webinars with renowned experts. In the web dossier you will find all recordings of the series as well as interesting background material.


► Dossier "Decolonize Aid

An honest look at the continuing power imbalance in development cooperation and a joint search for new strategies for cooperation at eye level.

All events

City tour

Mission and colonialism in Basel: city tour in March

30.03.2025 | 15:30 | Basel

Youth Summit 2025

5.04.2025 | 14:00

Platform world view

21.05.2025 | 13:00 | House of the Church, Bern

young@mission21 - Get-together

24.05.2025 | 14:00
City tour

Mission and colonialism in Basel: city tour in June

1.06.2025 | 16:00 | Basel

Together for


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Thanks to education, people can shape their own lives and assume responsibility in society. Mission 21 is particularly committed to helping people from marginalized population groups. 
► More info


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In many countries, tensions or violence are on the rise. Mission 21 brings its expertise in interreligious and intercultural peacebuilding to bear here and supports reconciliation and trauma work.
► More info


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Mission 21 helps people in rural areas access medical care. We support projects that ensure the sexual and reproductive health of vulnerable populations.
► More info

Food Sovereignty

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Mission 21 supports projects that enable disadvantaged people, especially smallholder families, to eat healthy, sustainably secure their livelihoods and live a life in dignity.
►More info

Who we are

Mission 21 is a global community of partner churches and partner organizations in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Together, we have been committed to a life in dignity for all people for over 200 years on the basis of the Christian faith. We provide sustainable development cooperation and humanitarian aid. In doing so, we offer opportunities to participate in the global church. As an international learning community, we create space for transcultural exchange and interreligious cooperation and promote an understanding of global interrelationships. We align our work with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals ("Agenda 2030"). In particular, we are guided by SDG 16+: building peaceful, just and inclusive societies.

Mission 21 is supported by the Swiss Protestant Reformed Church (EKS), foundations and political bodies, private donors and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Mission 21 is recognized as a non-profit organization and is certified by ZEWO and EduQua.

Make a difference with your Donation a difference.

For example, support our projects for the education of farmers in Nigeria and give new perspectives.

Hope thanks to your support

Mission 21
Protestant Mission Basel

PO Box 270
Missionsstrasse 21
4009 Basel, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0)61 260 21 20

Donation account Switzerland:
IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 4072 6233 2
Tax exemption number:

Donation account Germany:
Savings Bank Lörrach-Rheinfelden
BLZ: 683 500 48
IBAN: DE39 6835 0048 0001 0323 33
Account No. : 1032333

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